What are they doing now ? closing roads to put chaos on the streets and bring down a constitutional goverment, all this in the name of democracy and unity ! OK let's not even argue if it is constitutional or not. Which unity are you talking about, can't they see that there are at least (more than ) 50% of the population which does not see things the way they do ?
Words are very easy, so is burning tires. Dividing the lebanese unity that we enjoyed for about few months turned out to be trivial.
About 3 years ago I met a gathering of lebanese guys from "al tayyar" here in my University protesting a lebanese economist that they labeled pro-syrian. We had a sort of an argument, as I got offended by what I thought is their shallow understanding of the lebanese reality. One of them said " Syria, leave lebanon alone and all our problems are solved". I told him mockingly that if Syria left someday a lebanese will try to get it back. It was not a prophecy, it was a rather sarcastic joke about the "lebanese problem" being well... a lebanese problem and nothing more.
Last week I met few of them and I have to admit I was curious to know if they still support Don Quixote ( see picture ) and yes bloody hell they do.